Save The Reef!!


The Great Barrier Reef is in trouble. Australia’s Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, has approved the construction of nine mega coal mines in Queensland, AU, in the large Galilee Basin. The Basin runs through the coral reef, a marine ecosystem that supports 25% of all marine life (this is not a small number if you take the size of the oceans and seas into consideration). If these coal mines are built, it will destroy them and all the organisms it provides for.

They beauty of coral reefs is their ability to regenerate, but with increases in pollution and ocean acidification, the regeneration process is taking much longer and some are too damaged to ever regenerate. Especially with the production of coal mines, the CO2 emissions will increase tremendously and will damage the reefs quicker and irreversibly.

This is tragic, and if you think of all the beautiful marine life at stake, it can make one livid. The Great Barrier Reef is not the only reef suffering, all coral reefs around the world are being damaged by constant pollution and carbon emissions (thanks to humans) and in the long term this will damage land life too.

The petition to stop the coal mine production can be signed at

Please help to stop the destruction of the oceans ❤

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